Do you want to become a member?

Who can become a member?

ANYONE can become an agency member. Most people think we only hire extras, but this is not true. Our job is very diverse, so we always require models, amateur actors, people who posses a special skill such as fire eaters, jugglers, people with specific hairstyles and so on.

It is true that people who want to be an extra get the most work, but good-looking men and women in their 30s and 40s get the best honorariums.


Do you have to be unemployed in order to become a member?

It is considered that, in order to become a member of ours, you have to be unemployed. This information is not correct. We call our members and send them on castings which are held throughout the entire day, so you don’t lose a day at work. If you pass and get the part, then it is required of you to take a day off from work but for a substantial honorarium, we’re sure everybody can manage one or two days off for the shoot. The same rules are applied to extras with a task or amateur actors.

A regular extra’s job is a bit different. This is most fitting for unemployed persons, students and pensioners because filming takes up a whole day and it’s usually done on a weekday.


Are you obligated to respond to our call should you become a member?

You will find detailed information regarding what are your rights and responsibilities in our book of regulations. By signing with the agency, you’re signing to honor the terms stated in the regulation, so make sure to read it. In short, a person who is a member of ours is not obliged to show up to a shoot or a casting, but if they agreed to accept the job, then it’s their duty to be present. Specifically, it means that if we call you for a shoot taking place the following day, you can decline but if you agree and tell us that you’re coming then it is your duty to follow through. Our company is very professional when it comes to this line of work, so your irresponsibility also makes us look bad.

Keep in mind that you will be contacted by our colleagues for certain projects, but if you never ever respond we will consider you to be uninterested and delete your info from the base.


How to apply?

1. Fill out the application form
2. Read the Regulation

Our colleagues will contact you in order for you to come into our offices and have your picture taken. The application form you’ve previously filled out is digital and doesn’t need to be printed out.

  • A large base of extras, models and actors

    Serena pro d.o.o. has dealt with extra coordination since 2009 and up until today we have gathered several thousand people in our base. Apart from this year we are operating with a ‘’smart’’ base in order to make all of our jobs easier both to our clients and members as well as for us.
  • The possibility of working all over the country and region

    Throughout the years we have worked in all parts of Croatia and we have all of Croatia’s regions listed in our base. We also have knowledge of how to make the process of finding extras quicker and easier no matter the locality.
  • Doing business by the book

    The client, who is also our member, is protected with a contract and the rights and obligations on both parts are clearly stated during our cooperation.


Apply here

Read the Regulation
